Wedding Photography Warwickshire
wedding photography Chris Squire wedding photography Chris Squire

Wedding Photography Warwickshire

On Saturday the 4th of September, I was hired as the wedding photographer to capture the beautiful wedding between Max and Lucy. As one of the first weddings available after lockdown, excitement was in the air for this harmonious union. It was palpable even before the ceremony began that day.

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Blog Posts Update
wedding photography Chris Squire wedding photography Chris Squire

Blog Posts Update

It’s been a while since I have written a blog post about a wedding, ideally, I want to write a post about each one but spring / summer / autumn 2021 was epic on the weddings front. At the time of writing, I have done thirty-two weddings this year with another two scheduled for late December.

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Country Wedding Photography during a Pandemic

Country Wedding Photography during a Pandemic

Summer 2020 was a terrible summer for weddings not because of the weather for a change but because of the pandemic, the majority of my wedding photography bookings were postponed until 2021 and some have further postponed to 2022. There was one couple though who were determined not to let the pandemic put their plans on hold, these guys ploughed on regardless.

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