Wedding Photography at Lord Leycester Hospital, Warwick

On the 8th of of August, I returned to the Lord Leycester Hospital in Warwick to capture another wedding day. The Lord Leycester Hospital my first-ever venue I covered a wedding at back in the summer of 2009.  It was for a friends wedding but never the less I was the official wedding photographer and I did get paid, fast forward ten years and not a lot has changed I am still a wedding photographer and at the Lord Leycester Hospital in fact, probably not a lot has changed there in 500 years!

As a bit of a history buff, I do really like the Lord Leycester Hospital the buildings are really nice and the masters garden but what I really like to the seeing the brothers who are Warwick's equivalent of the Chelsea Pensioners, the brothers are on hand to help make the day run smoothly and add an extra dimension to the proceedings that you don't see very often. 

One this occasion at the Lord Leycester I was booked for just the afternoon to capture the wedding photography of the main events before the wedding party moved onto another venue for the evening.  We were blessed with nice sunny weather, a great venue and a nice happy couple and family. 


Wedding photography Riverside Stratford-upon-Avon


Wedding Photographer at Haseley Church, Warwick